

Wally Badarou

In progress ...

••• ON THE MUSIC FRONT: "Ride In Overdrive", a call for tireless resilience in these troubled times Plus; and, with all the commiments I'm immersed with, shouldn't I make "The Unnamed Trilogy" a permanent delivery process ? Plus. Get the current releases here Plus. And still enjoy the "Journey in Friendship" I've put together for my Facebook fans Plus.

••• ON THE DRAMA FRONT: Shouldn't it be time I release some memorabilia of my experiences in stage-acting Plus ?.

••• CREDO: More than ever, "Digitizable Art", a manifesto that combines introspective analysis and a call for basic solutions regarding the future of digital creation, is far from obsolete, judging by the ongoing war in Internet zone. Still online here Plus. German readers: it has been published last January in "Politik & Kultur" magazine Plus.

••• DEVELOPING THIS SITE: The next steps ... Plus

••• FOR QUICK UPDATES Subscribe to my Facebook and Youtube pages.

••• AND ONE MORE TIME: I would like to express my deepest gratitude to all those of you, around the world, whom I keep on receiving the warmest support from.

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Posted Mon, Sep 6, 2021

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